Tutsek Film is an independent TV and film production Company based in Transylvania/Romania, working mainly on social, political, historical, cultural, and environmental issues in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. You can see our documentaries and reports on the French-German TV channel ARTE.




Grimme nomination


Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards

Award of exellence


The Houston International Film Festival

Gold Remi Award


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Sind Wisente in Rumänien willkommen?

1790 wurde in Rumänien der letzte freilebende Wisent erschossen. Heute kehren die Riesen zurück - mehr als 250 Wisente leben inzwischen wieder in den rumänischen Karpaten. Doch nicht alle Rumänen freuen sich über die Rückkehr der Wisente - denn die Tiere dringen auf der Suche nach Futter in die Dörfer ein.

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Tensions in Kosovo

Dragan Daničić lives in northern Kosovo, which borders Serbia and is home to a mostly Serbian population. He is a farmer that sells his produce at market in Serbia. But time and again, the tensions between Serbia and Kosovo makes reaching his customers difficult, with tight borders and customs controls.

About us

producer, author, cameraman

Paul Tutsek

Born in April 19.1959 Nagybánya/Baia Mare, Romania.

1985 Settled in the Federal Republic of Germany

1987 Internship Bavaria Film Munich

1988-1992 Study SFOF / HDK Berlin

editor, sound engineer

Zsuzsa Hunyadi

Born in August 02.1977 Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș, Romania

1996 final exam Bolyai Farkas theoretical high school Marosvásárhely

2003-2007 studies theatrology-dramaturgy Arts University Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș

2007-2024 video editor, camera and sound assistant
